Core Values

OCC is simply (and wonderfully) a church of the Lord Jesus, his body, bride and flock. Yet there are certain things that we hold as especially important, core values. Our Core values are things we seek to express and uphold together as a church. They are values that we believe are important, but that we cannot take for granted. These values give you a sense of who we are as a church and who we want to be.   


God Speaks to us clearly by his word, through his spirit.

We are Christ centred and therefore gospel centred.  Grace alone saves.

United in Diversity. Many kinds of people together in Christ.

Real Sinners, growing saints. Honest about our sin. Growing by His grace.

Mission: Sharing God’s Mission to the world

Read more about each of these values below.


We are on Mission

We believe that God, in His own being, is an outgoing God. We see this when He sends His Son and Spirit. We believe that we have been drawn into


We value Unity in Diversity

We believe that God is creating one, new humanity in Christ and doing so without diminishing our cultural differences (e.g. Eph 2:11-21, 3:10-11; Rev 7:9-10). Therefore, we seek, personally and


We value Expository Preaching

We believe that God speaks today most clearly through His Word by the Holy Spirit (e.g. 2 Tim 3:15-17; 2 Peter 1:20-21). We believe that we best hear His voice
